3 November 2013

Firework Party and Think Happy...4/52...

This week I've been on holiday from school and it's just been amazing. But I'll start with tonight first :)

My family and I went to my nan and granddad's house just round the corner to watch fireworks we'd bought. These are some of my favourite photos :)

I never knew the sparks did corkscrews!

I think this is so pretty!

Our second Catherine wheel!

These ones with the hearts are for all of my readers, and for my closest friends and family :)

 Think happy!

1. It was the holidays!!

2. I met with Lauren, who I haven't seen in over a year!

3. I met with Nikita, who I haven't seen in months!

4. I met with Greg, who I hadn't seen EVER!

5. I did a ballet performance, and some girls from school were watching.

6. I got to see Hannah, and the little Awang sisters :))

7. I saw amazing fireworks :)

8. I've been on webcam with Greg almost every day!

That's all for today, I could write so much more, but this is already long enough! Bye for now :)

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