15 February 2015


In ballet class yesterday, we were practicing posé turns and pirouettes. I managed a few clean single pirouettes, and a couple of decent doubles. I still had trouble with the posé ones though, as my toe has swollen again, and demi-pointe hurts.

Anyway, spotting. I completely understand the concept. I mean, we've all read countless articles with different strategies, what works best, exercises to help, etc., but it's still something most of us struggle with. I raised my 'concern', if you could call it that, to the teacher, and her advice really helped me.

She told me that everyone is different. Yes, we get told this in all of the articles we read, but does it really sink in? Some people prefer spotting something above their heads, whereas others could prefer to spot themselves in the mirror. Usually, I kind of just zone out, I don't really know if I'm being honest! I just know that when I watch back videos, I don't see my head whipping back around.

So I first tried spotting a poster we have above the mirror. This didn't exactly work for me, the turn just ended up being sloppy and ended with me falling out of it. I tried again, this time spotting myself in the mirror. I don't have any videographic evidence, but I felt a whole lot better about this turn. I landed it, and repeated the whole things a couple of times, each time feeling just as good as the first. I think I'll be trying this again!


  1. I'm glad it's been working out for you! Spotting is one thing that especially helps you get around, and keeps you balanced. You don't want to think too much about it, especially during the turn (emphasis on the "too", still think about it though!), as this could slow you down.
    My tip is right before you turn, focus on your reflection, and briefly think of your head staying in the spot it is, and when you turn, whip your head around to the place it was before. To get used to this, instead of doing a pirouette when practicing spotting, simply turn around on flat and keep your head at the front for as long as possible, then whip it around. Eventually, as you are turning, you'll have muscle memory, and won't have to think about it as much as you used to. Hope this helps! ^_^

    1. Ah thank you so much, that helps loads! I've been practising around the house these past few days and I've gotten (admittedly sloppy, but I can work on that) consistent doubles and triples! I'm so happy! x
